Exercícios sobre Passive Voice
(Unesp) Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: When children watch TV, they encounter a wide range of places, people, and information.
a) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information will be encounter
b) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information are encountered.
c) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information is encountered.
d) When TV was watched, a wide range of places, people, and information are encountered by children.
e) A wide range of places, people, and information will be encountered when children watched TV.
Letra “c” - When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information is encountered.
Note que na “Active Voice”, o núcleo do sujeito da oração é ‘range’. Então, por uma questão de concordância com “range“, que corresponde a “it”, a forma do verbo “to be” precisa ser “is” (is encountered).
(PUC- Rio) The passive voice is used in “Orkut was quietly launched on January 22, 2004”. Find the sentence that is also in the passive voice.
a) Communities have never rejected new members.
b) Good ideas took shape at the end of the session.
c) Some communities have been able to control their growth.
d) Several social groups could be connected by the Internet.
e) Young students are never tired of chatting with friends on email.
Letra “d” Several social groups could be connected by the Internet.
Dois elementos são indispensáveis para a formação da voz passiva: verbo To Be e o verbo principal no “Past Participle” antecedidos pelo modal “could”.
As alternativas a), b) e e) não possuem o verbo to be; e, na alternativa c), o verbo “to be” está no Present Perfect.
Complete the sentences in the passive voice using the correct verb form:
Active Voice Passive Voice
a) They can take the book. The book ________________by them.
b) You must obey the rules. The rules ________________by you.
c) My friends broke the window. The window ___________________.
d) We will give a lunch here. A lunch __________________here.
e) They was cleaning the room. The room ________________by them.
a) can be taken
b) must be obeyed
c) was broken
d) will be given
e) was being cleaned
As respostas devem ser feitas de acordo com o padrão estrutural da voz passiva, ou seja:
Verbo to be + verbo no particípio: (ativa) can take = (passiva) can be taken
Rewrite the sentences and make two possible passive voice:
a) He will give her a wedding ring.
b) I told them the truth.
c) He showed Nina his new books.
d) She offered Iwlah a job.
e) Ingrid has sent me a letter.
a) She will be given a wedding ring. / A wedding ring will be given to her.
b) They were told the truth. / The truth was told to them.
c) Nina was showed his new books. / His new books were shown to Nina.
d) Iwlah was offered a new job. / A new job was offered to Iwlah.
e) I was sent a letter. / A letter was sent to me.
Essas são as possíveis frases que podem ser feitas na voz passiva. Na passiva, o verbo“ to be” assume o tempo do verbo da voz ativa; logo, se na voz ativa o verbo possui dois objetos, qualquer um deles pode ser sujeito da passiva: I gave him a shirt → A shirt was givem to him → He was given a shirt (by me).