Exercícios sobre Reported Speech

Estes exercícios sobre “Reported Speech” podem ser de grande ajuda para a fixação desse conteúdo. Publicado por: Janaína Pereira Mourão
Questão 1

Preencha os espaços em branco com o tempo verbal correto:

Exemplo: “I saw her” → He said the he had seen him.

a) “There is a butterfly in my garden.” → I said ___________a butterfly in my garden.

b) “I’ll see you later.” → She said she _________________me later.

c) “We are very sad.” → They told me they ___________________very sad.

d) “Can I go out with you?” → He asked me if he _________________out with me.

e) “I'll dance next Saturday.” → She said she ________________next Saturday.

Ver resposta

a) there was

b) would see

c) were

d) could go

e) would dance

Nesses casos, os verbos e auxiliares devem ficar no passado: “is – was”, “will – would”, “are – were”, “can – could”.

Questão 2

Reescreva as frases usando o Reported Speech.

a) “What time will you be there?”

He asked _____________________________________________________.


b) “Does he like chocolate?”

She asked if___________________________________________________.


c) “Why did you leave?”

She asked me __________________________________________________.


d) “Girls! It's time to leave the room.”

She told _______________________________________________________.


e) The boy was crying.

She said that_____________________________________________.

Ver resposta

a) He asked what time I would be there.

b) She asked if he liked chocolate.

c) She asked me why I had left.

d) She told them it’s time to leave the room.

e) She said that the boy had been crying.

O mesmo ocorre aqui (os verbos auxiliares devem ficar no passado). A diferença é que, na letra ‘d’, como é uma frase imperativa, o tempo verbal da ordem não muda:

Girls! It's time to leave the room.
Meninas! Está na hora de deixarem o quarto

She told them it’s time to leave the room.
Ela disse para elas que é hora de deixarem o quarto.

Questão 3

Responda às perguntas usando o Reported Speech.

a)Is Lisa at work? She asked me if ______________

b) Is she late? He asked me if __________________

c) Is it hot outside? She asked me if _____________

d) Are they in Brazil? He asked me if _____________

e) Is the station near here? She asked me if _______


Ver resposta

a) She asked me if Lisa was at work.

b) He asked me if she was late.

c) She asked me if it was hot outside.

d) He asked me if they were in Brazil.

e) She asked me if the station was near here.

Estrutura de resposta padrão para esses casos: Subject + asked + pronoun + past of be + complement.

Questão 4

Faça a mudança das frases abaixo do discurso direto para o discurso indireto. Escolha um dos verbos abaixo para introduzir sua resposta.

1 – ask

2 – tell

3 – say

a) “For your own good, don't do it”. He_______________.

b) “She is leaving tonight.” He _____________________.

c) “Can you get me a piece of paper, please?” She___________.

d) “They got married last week.” He ________________.

e) “Hurry! I can't arrive late!” She __________________.


Ver resposta

a) He told me not to do it.

b) He said she was leaving tonight.

c) She asked me to get her a piece of paper.

d) He said they got married last week.

e) She told me to be hurry.

Nesse caso, além do conhecimento sobre a formação discurso indireto, também é necessário saber fazer o uso adequado de “ ask”, “tell” e “say”. Nas letras 'a' e 'e', usamos 'tell', porque algo está sendo dito para alguém. Nas letras 'b' e 'd', usamos 'say,' porque algo está sendo dito, mas sem haver alguém para direcionar a fala. Na letra 'c', trata-se de uma pergunta.

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